SPS 4 autosampler

Hello! I'm interested in learning whether it's feasible to configure the SPS 4 autosampler with new values (xyz).

I aim to customize it for different racks, which possess the same dimensions but vary in terms of hole distribution.

Could you clarify if it's achievable to carry out this customization in the SPS 4?

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Lucas,

    sorry not to have a positive answer for you, but with Masshunter it is not possible, to define new rack designs. 

    Maybe you can use a preset and manually test, which vial positions reflect your needs.



  • Hi Chris, I would like to set up a rack for small volume samples, I already use the option using the 96-well plate on this autosampler, however, this option is too small volume (< 400 uL), I would like to work with microanalyses but with around 1 mL directly in the empendorf tubes, the autosampler has the option of a rack with 90 positions, but the calibration in the SPS 4 is very bad, even if the autosampler calibration is performed with this rack (90 position), the needle hits the side of the extreme positions, I can only use some positions of the rack (less than 50% of the positions), the autosampler calibration of this autosampler is simply does not work for the 90 position rack. I have 3 ICPs here with this autosampler (SPS 4) and it just doesn't work for the 90-position rack, I can only use the 21- and 60-position racks if I want to use all holes without problems....

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