7700 Sample Data Acquisition Does Not Stop AND MassHunter Software installation issues

Hi All,

I have an Agilent 7700 ICP-MS running MassHunter 4.6.  Interesting issue - the instrument tunes just fine but when I go to run a sample, the data acquisition never stops; it continues well past the time it should have taken including rinse program etc until the run is aborted.  This happens on both well established methods that have been used for months as well as new ones.  Working with Agilent support, they did not have a definitive answer and suggested I might need a software reload.  Just thought I'd throw this out there to see if there is a simple fix that someone may have stumbled across.

That said, I did try a software reload and ran into a separate issue.  I downloaded the software from subscribenet, mounted it, modified the UAC, and regardless if I try to modify or uninstall the software I get an error 0xe0434352 - Unspecified error..  I can provide the error log if needed - the last several entries include annotations for Failed to execute EXE package and failed to configure per-machine EXE package prior to session end.  I saw something similar posted here for a new installation on a laptop (mine is a re-installation on what was a functioning system) but there was no followup from the original poster as to whether any of the suggestions actually fixed the issue. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  The software has only been out of warranty 2 months and I really don't want to have to pay for a service install for relatively new software.

Many Thanks!

  • Hi,

    Maybe the problem is that the Queue is corrupted or other configuration files are bad.

    it's worth it to reset the full configuration of the ICP-MS MassHunter software. Then maybe the program run like before, after setting the right configuration (like autosampler) back again.

    The reset could be done automatically with the IcpMHSWDiagnostics.exe program.

    the program could be find in C:\Program Files\Agilent\ICPMH\Utilities. Best is to run it like admin.

    Good luck,


  • Hi,

    Maybe the problem is that the Queue is corrupted or other configuration files are bad.

    it's worth it to reset the full configuration of the ICP-MS MassHunter software. Then maybe the program run like before, after setting the right configuration (like autosampler) back again.

    The reset could be done automatically with the IcpMHSWDiagnostics.exe program.

    the program could be find in C:\Program Files\Agilent\ICPMH\Utilities. Best is to run it like admin.

    Good luck,


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