Hey there, i´m working with the ICP-OES 725-ES and i have to detect Ca,Mg,K in a 5% Nacl matrix. The icp won´t detect kalium correctly so i have to dilute the samples 1:2 (50%). But if i do it i don`t reache the limit of determination. I show the method in the picture below maybe anyone can tell me

Parents Reply
  • Good morning,

    if i measure in the 1%HNO³  the calibration works fine. I know that the NaCl-matrix is bad for the icp and i tell it so often to the chemist. In the upper Picture you can see a regular calibration that we use for water solutions.

    The torch alignment is good an the wave lenght calibration is from 167.019nm to 766.491nm. The dark current only show that is all fine but no value.

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