Hey there, i´m working with the ICP-OES 725-ES and i have to detect Ca,Mg,K in a 5% Nacl matrix. The icp won´t detect kalium correctly so i have to dilute the samples 1:2 (50%). But if i do it i don`t reache the limit of determination. I show the method in the picture below maybe anyone can tell me

  • Hello,

    it's not clear what's not correctly but what could be interfering on the results is the EIE (Easy Ionized Element) effect. This effect is most suffered for the Easy Ionised ones, like Na and K. This effect results into a bad calibration curve. As a solution for the problem you can dilute the samples or a ionization buffer like 2% CsCl could be added. 

    To give a better answer to you questions I want to know what's wrong if you measure in the undiluted samples and what is the detection limit in the solution for the K. 



  • Good morning,

    the pictures show that the argon factor blow up and the qc`s don`t match anymore. At the other elements like magnesium you can see that the calibration works. If i measure in the regular 1% HNO³  the detection limits reached under 0,25 ppm but in the NaCl matrix with 5% NaCl it works bad.

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