This Information Applies To: All Agilent liquid chromatography instruments, Lab Advisor
The error message 'Could not open channel RD' pops up when performing diagnostic tests in Lab Advisor. Retrying the test is not helping.
This message appears when another controller is still connected to the module. This could be a data system like OpenLab CDS 2.X, OpenLab CDS ChemStation, OpenLab CDS EZChrom, Empower, or another diagnostic software currently running.
Close the application that is running and try to rerun the tests.
If it is certain that no other software is still connected (be aware that sometimes they run in the background), restart both the PC and the instrument.
After restarting, connect first with Lab Advisor and retry the tests before starting the data system.
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent Lab Advisor Software:
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