This Information Applies To: Agilent OpenLab CDS, OpenLab ChemStation Edition C.01.xx, G4260A 380 ELSD, G4261A 385 ELSD, G4260B 1260 Infinity ELSD, G4261B 1290 Infinity ELSD, and G7102A 1290 Infinity II ELSD.
Outlining step-by-step instructions how to configure or reconfigure an Agilent evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) in the OpenLab Control Panel.
ELSD can be connected via serial cable (RS-232) or LAN cable (TCP/IP).
Steps to Follow
Figure 1: Configure Instrument
1. Click Instruments tab, 2. Select the instrument, 3. Click Configure Instrument.
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent ELSD in OpenLab Software: Agilent 1260 Infinity ELSD (G4260B) and 1290 Infinity ELSD (G4261B) user manual on Agilent 1260 Infinity II ELSD (G4260B) and 1290 Infinity II ELSD (G7102A) user manual on |