This Information Applies To: OpenLab CDS (version 2.x) system
This article explains how to export OpenLab CDS 2.x data as Archived file.
For copying OpenLab CDS 2.x data to another Projects or another OpenLab CDS systems, you can use data export as archive file, and import archive file to another system.
You can use this technique for data exchange or troubleshooting purposes.
Archived data file contains whole items of Result Set or Single Injection data.
Exported/Imported CDS2.x data always contain only latest version of data for Workstation Plus or client/server systems.
It does not contain older versions inside Archived files.
For Importing CDS2.x archive file, see also this article: How to Import Agilent OpenLab CDS (ver.2.x) Data from a CDS (ver. 2x) Exported Archive File (.olax)
Steps to follow
Double-click the OpenLab CDS 2.x Data Analysis icon of the project containing the data for export.
Select Data Selection node and click the Import/Export tab.
Select the data you want to export from the Data Selection list.
Click Export to open the Save As dialog box.
Select the archive file at the destination folder and copy it to other drive if necessary.
Learn more on how to effectively troubleshoot your OpenLab CDS (ver. 2.x): |