This Information Applies To: 2100 Bioanalyzer, 2100 Expert software, RIN NA, Error 4501, RNA 6000 Nano kit (p/n 5067–1511), RNA 6000 Pico kit (p/n 5067–1513)
The RIN is not displayed in the software or shows as NA. If the RIN is NA, the sample will be flagged in red and error 4501 will be present with a description such as Unexpected signal....
Steps to follow:
Figure 1. How to check the lower marker assignment
Figure 2. How to check the assignment of the ribosomal subunits
Figure 3. Data context Error Tab
For the total RNA assays, the 2100 Expert software algorithm analyses the different regions of the electropherogram to calculate a RIN (Figure 4). The software also looks for anomalies: features that are not typical of the sample type. When a critical anomaly threshold is exceeded, a RIN will not be calculated and error 4501 will be present in the Errors tab. These anomaly thresholds prevent a RIN from being calculated when it might not be accurate. However, it may be possible to increase the anomaly thresholds to force the software to calculate a RIN. More information about the RIN can be found in this application note. Please note: RIN NA is a warning that the RIN may not be reliable for a particular sample (such as due to unusual noise/signals, ribosomal ratio, and other factors). Clearing the critical error message may yield a RIN, but Agilent does not guarantee the accuracy of this value. It is recommended to also perform a visual inspection of the data. In general, it is recommended to correct RIN errors only if the chip run is technically good and the unusual feature, for example an unexpected peak, is clearly distinguishable. The RIN value itself cannot be edited.
Figure 4. Electropherogram detailing the regions that are indicative of RNA quality.
Figure 5. How to edit the RIN anomaly thresholds
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.