This Information Applies To: Agilent SpectrAA Software, Agilent 240/280 Flame Atomic Absorption Systems, 240/280 Zeeman Graphite Furnace Systems
How to Reset Lamp Usage Counters or Add a New Lamp in SpectrAA
Caution: All physical maintenance should be performed with the Flame off and the system cooled
Steps to Follow:
Open SpectrAA Software and select Administration from the SpectrAA home screen.
Select Configuration menu option Usage Counters.
Select the Lamp Lifetime tab.
To reset the current lamp counter, click the lamp you would like to reset and select Reset Selected Lamp. New lamps can be added by selecting Add New Lamp.
Lamp information, including serial number, part number, and intended instrument can be entered or changed on this page. Older lamps that are being replaced can be removed by selecting the lamp from the list to highlight then select Delete Selected Lamp.
Tips: Default usage counters are a maintenance guideline. Depending on usage and type of lamp, lamps may remain in good condition after the suggested usage hours or may need to be replaced before meeting the recommended usage.
Learn how to effectively maintain your Agilent Atomic Absorption System:
AA Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide user manual on |