Lack of memory error

Hi all.


I'm encountering a weird issue with one of our OpenLab 2.4 installation.


We get a "insufficient memory error" after 24hrs of usage.


The computer becomes unusable (we can't open any other software like Data Analysis, or even a right click on the Desktop!)


I wonder if anyone has experience this issue in the past ?


We tried to lower the allocated virtual memory, but the issue reappears.


Anybody has a hint ?







  • Thanks all for the help


    The more I use this computer, the more I find weird behavior !


    I can't open Data Analysis from a Desktop shortcut, but I will be able to open it from the control panel (if the CP was opened before the lack of memory error!!).


    On the other hand, I can't launch an instrument from the CP when the memory error is there, I get this error now !



    I really hop our IT group will figure something out, it's driving me nuts !


    Thanks again

  • Thanks all for the help


    The more I use this computer, the more I find weird behavior !


    I can't open Data Analysis from a Desktop shortcut, but I will be able to open it from the control panel (if the CP was opened before the lack of memory error!!).


    On the other hand, I can't launch an instrument from the CP when the memory error is there, I get this error now !



    I really hop our IT group will figure something out, it's driving me nuts !


    Thanks again

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