Lack of memory error

Hi all.


I'm encountering a weird issue with one of our OpenLab 2.4 installation.


We get a "insufficient memory error" after 24hrs of usage.


The computer becomes unusable (we can't open any other software like Data Analysis, or even a right click on the Desktop!)


I wonder if anyone has experience this issue in the past ?


We tried to lower the allocated virtual memory, but the issue reappears.


Anybody has a hint ?







  • So just to let everyone know, the SSD on this computer has now already failed. Seems like there was something wrong with the hardware to start with !.


    Let's hope a new SSD will fix this issue.



  • Thanks for the update.


    Just a note. When using SSDs as the main drive, and having 16GB memory, you should disable the hibernation feature and the page file.


    The reason for this is the limited write characteristics of SSDs. Having the system constantly writing to an SSD can degrade the performance, depending on brand and controller used.


    My recommendation, if you want to have the virtual memory and/or the pagefile, I would add a second non-SSD hard drive and place those on there. That way you are not wearing down your SSD drive with constant writes that are not necessary.

  • Thanks for the update.


    Just a note. When using SSDs as the main drive, and having 16GB memory, you should disable the hibernation feature and the page file.


    The reason for this is the limited write characteristics of SSDs. Having the system constantly writing to an SSD can degrade the performance, depending on brand and controller used.


    My recommendation, if you want to have the virtual memory and/or the pagefile, I would add a second non-SSD hard drive and place those on there. That way you are not wearing down your SSD drive with constant writes that are not necessary.

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