Lack of memory error

Hi all.


I'm encountering a weird issue with one of our OpenLab 2.4 installation.


We get a "insufficient memory error" after 24hrs of usage.


The computer becomes unusable (we can't open any other software like Data Analysis, or even a right click on the Desktop!)


I wonder if anyone has experience this issue in the past ?


We tried to lower the allocated virtual memory, but the issue reappears.


Anybody has a hint ?







  • Hello Francois,


    Is this installation of OpenLab CDS 2.4 a Workstation Plus (using content management) or is a standard file-based workstation?

  • Hi Ryoboyle.

    This is a standard file-based workstation.


    The weirdest this is that we got 2 identical computers where Openlab 2.3 was installed by Agilent tech. Upgraded to 2.4 the same day on both computer.

    One computer never has this memory error issue, and the second one does.


    One installation was made using the Migration tool, and another one was set up as brand new because we were getting some errors when using the migration tool. I unfortunately didn't take enough notes and can't remember if the computer that gives us an error is the one that had the migration tool.


    Now, in my head I only see the solution to reinstall Openlab.

    I was wondering if anyone had seen this issue before...




  • Hi,


    I would run a check on the physical memory, using MemTest or the like. It could be that one of the RAM sticks has a dead chip and though showing as there it does not actually have the capacity to take what is being allocated and hence the "Out of memory error".

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