Post-run Macro to export Signal Raw Data to ASCII

Dear All,


I'm using a GC system 7890A and controlling it with Chem-Station software.


I was wondering if anyone can help me in finding a way to automatically export the signal raw data to an ASCII file, ideally also with the option of choosing the folder destination.


I have already tried to modify the report output, however I managed to produce only a .txt file containing the integrated peaks' area, but not the signal raw data (X and Y values).


I think the answer lies in writing a post-run command/macro to be inserted when I edit the method that I use, however I am really unfamiliar with macro running and would be grateful if you could help me in this, or any other solutions I am not aware of.


Thanks in advance for your time


Best Regards,



Parents Reply
  • Just loaded the new user.mac and reprocessed some data.


    Signal1   correct (DAD1A)


    Signal2   not correct. It is giving me the gradient pump, not DAD1B (it was not correct on the previous version either). 

                   I don't mind getting an extra csv file that contains the pump gradient. It is useful.


    Signal3 is not present. Signal3 should be the fluorescence detector data.


    Maybe the different channels from the DAD and FLD are in different data files or locations from where you are parsing it out?


    Is there a data file from Chemstation that I can send you that might have the raw data in it?

    I don't think the currently generated  Signal1 and Signal2 files would help you, they are simply time and signal comma delimited for 1 channel each.

    I'm sure if I send a file from a blank run, nobody will care...

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