Cary 100 - Validate Comm Error 9.9CSM

We have an old Cary 100 that was running fine with a WinXP laptop using the GPIB-USB-HS cable/adapter.  Unfortunately the WinXP machine, old and decrepit, died recently and the drive was not recoverable.  To minimize possible hiccups I found another WinXP machine on eBay and installed the Cary software from CD and installed NI 488.2 - 2.6 version I believe.  Most things work except Validate.  On launch I get an error reading "9.9CSM - Input Message Length Error" after a few seconds.  I can see, sometimes, the Cary moving thru the wavelengths but no tests are available.

I have searched the internet and apparently nobody else has ever had this error and/or chosen to write about it on public forum.

In past, before the WinXP machine died, I had tried to move to a newer laptop running Win7 or Win10 and encountered this same error and I (wrongly I guess) attributed it to the OS.

Other thing I see is on WinXP start - error EVsgException in module Cary32.dll at 0004E46D.

If anybody has ideas I would greatly appreciate.  Have spent way too many hours trying to get this working.



  • Hi Jim,

    1. the Cary32.dll error is because Cary software is 32 bit, not 64 bit, therefore it should be run from 'C:\Program Files (x86)' not 'C:\Program Files' which is for 64 bit programs, (your Agilent directory should be under the x86) but that's the minor problem.

    2. I only have experience with the Cary 60 UV which is simple USB but we use GPIB for the old HPLC, not other stand alone equipment like UVs. Does the Cary 100 also use WinUV Software, if so, which version?

    3. Validate is your biggest program for the calibration people, do you follow USP or BP protocols for calibration? Are you using the Pharma version of WinUV with the version extension .1042?

  • "Cary moving thru the wavelengths but no tests are available." Check the setup and communication with SDA? Maybe try restoring and archiving to it separately? Make sure there's space, express has a size limit.

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