How to make the amt && total amount available from worklist for LCMSMS masshunter Analysis Batch?


Currently, we can generate acqusition worklist from LIMS,which contains the sampleno/name, sample amt && total amount && dilution factor info, and then we can import it to MassHunter acqusition workstation worklist. After the acqusition finished. When adding the sample to the QQQ batch, only dilution factor info in there,amt && total amount cannot be there, and must be input mannualy one by one. We tired ths way for all of our other instruments. all is ok. Including your GCMS MassHunter software.


In additionally, if there is a way to import the worklist directly rather than adding samples to the QQQ batch manually?

  • Hi ,


    First of all, thanks to for providing me the information I'll be presenting here.


    If you want to get entries from the worklist to go into the Amt. and Tot. Amt. columns in the batch table you need to create two user defined columns in your worklist. Set them to be of data type number and name them exactly Sample Amount and Total Sample Amount. The values in those worklist columns will then be transferred to the Amt. and Tot. Amt. columns in the batch table.


    To have a worklist create a quant batch table after it runs you can utilize the Study Manager, but there are a few requirements. You must first have a quant method that you can assign to be used in the study. Then create your worklist in acquisition as you normally would but make certain that the data file column contains only the data file name and not a complete path.







    Then submit a Worklist Only study and specify that it Generate data files in study.


    Enable quant automation using your prepared quant method.


    Once the study is submitted and started the worklist will begin. When the worklist has completed a quant batch will be created containing the data files in the worklist and analyzed using the quant method.

  • Hi, Thanks a lot for your great help. However, how to use "Import worklist" function to import entries into the user defined "Amt. and Tot. Amt." column? Other info are import succesfully except the two ones. I tired "Amt.","Tot. Amt." in the importing csv file. Failed. "User1","User2" failed too. "Sample Amount","Total Sample Amount" also failed. Could you please kindly help me again? It is very important to us.

  • If you have user defined columns you need to import, you must use a mapping file. These can be created using the Map File Generator found in the Acq Tools folder. You can search in the help file about mapping files and the Map File Generator, but basically you would use an example import file to define all the columns that need to be mapped. You will need to map even the column names that already match. Your list might look something like this.


    Using an appropriate mapping file will allow for the correct user defined and system columns to be imported into your worklist.

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