Calibration curve from previous working method not linear on new GC/MS

Dear Sir/Madam

Good morning. Currently, I am working on GC-MS, Agilent. I am able to run my samples as a batch samples. However, I am not able to quantify as well as prepare calibration curve using MassHunter. I followed the user manual but failed. If anyone help me on this regard I would be grateful to him/her. I just want the sequences for the analysis of data.

  • We have Mass Hunter 10.2 version. I am new scientist working on this GC-MS Agilent. When I am creating a batch table sequence but the sequence save as option is not coming. For me create method file no problem. Even though sample sequencing finish no problem when I want to save Okay. Software asking me method file but we already loaded method file. Then I uploaded method file asking me sample file. However, I could not find the save sequencing table. If I give the file name and vial number then run the samples on that selected sample file. After finished run then error comes. Therefore, something is hiding in the manual. I am ready need someone help to solve this problem.     

  • Hello  ,

    The general workflow for using quant is as follows -

    1. Acquire all data files into one folder. This would be done from your sequence in acquisition.
    2. Open Quant and create a new batch in the same folder as your data files. 
    3. You will then be prompted to add data files to the batch. In Quant 10.x it will default to selecting all data files in a given folder to add.
    4. Create or load a Quant method. This can be a source of confusion for new users. By default, your acquisition method will not have any quant method parameters, though it is possible to save both acq and quant parameters to one method. When starting out I recommend using a separate method file. You will need to create a new quant method from acquired data, or if you have previous batches you can load the method directly from those. How you make your method will depend on what type of data you have acquired, full scan, SIM, or MRM, depending on instrument type. The familiarization guide  links above has information on setting up a method for scan data. SIM would be set up similar to MRM data. There is a good guide for setting up a MRM method in the LC/MS familiarization guide found here. The setup is the same regardless of the source of the data.
    5. In the Quant method editor you set up your compounds, ISTDs, if any, and your concentrations and calibration curves.
    6. Once the method is established the batch can be analyzed, the data reviewed, and then reported.

    One thing to realize when working with Quant is that the quant method is actually part of the batch. It is saved with the batch and does not have to be saved as a separate file. You can load and apply methods from existing batches or method files.

    To get a good general overview of the quant workflow I would recommend the Quant Basic and Advanced Webinars that can be found here.

    MassHunter Software Webinar Series | Agilent

    They are about 1.5 hours each, so a little long, but I think they offer a good look at how to use quant.

    If that doesn't help, if you could post the specific error you are observing and let us know exactly what you are doing when the error occurs we can try to assist with resolving it. 

  • I have some problem for mass hunter quantification

  • Hello  ,

    That warning means that the calibration level name in your batch table does not match the level name in your calibration table.

    To resolve this, after you create your batch and add samples make certain that your calibrators are specified and that they have level names. If you set this up in your sequence table it should come over from there. If not, you can edit and change this in the batch table.

    The Level also has a drop down available, but you can just type over or enter a new name if it is blank. The Level is actually text, and can be anything you like, though most customer stick with 1,2,3, etc. or L1, L2, L3, etc. The only thing that matters is that the levels in the batch table must exactly match the entries in your method calibration setup.

    You can add the Type column to help see how the levels match up if you have multiple calibrator types.

    The best way to make certain that the level names match is to use the option in the method editor to create levels from calibration samplers.

    If your sample Type and Level are set correctly in the batch table, then this will make your method match exactly. 

  • Hello  ,

    That warning means that the calibration level name in your batch table does not match the level name in your calibration table.

    To resolve this, after you create your batch and add samples make certain that your calibrators are specified and that they have level names. If you set this up in your sequence table it should come over from there. If not, you can edit and change this in the batch table.

    The Level also has a drop down available, but you can just type over or enter a new name if it is blank. The Level is actually text, and can be anything you like, though most customer stick with 1,2,3, etc. or L1, L2, L3, etc. The only thing that matters is that the levels in the batch table must exactly match the entries in your method calibration setup.

    You can add the Type column to help see how the levels match up if you have multiple calibrator types.

    The best way to make certain that the level names match is to use the option in the method editor to create levels from calibration samplers.

    If your sample Type and Level are set correctly in the batch table, then this will make your method match exactly. 

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