MassHunter Acquisition fails to start

Hi Agilent community.

I'm a LC-MS equipment user and I had a problem with the MassHunter Acquisition B 08.01 software.

When I try to open the Acquisition software, appears the software logo but immediately appears an error dialog box. This error dialog box show this next sentence:

"Failed to star MassHunter Acquisition engine processes. Exception: Type constructor threw an exception. Please check the logbook for additional information." (Fig 1).

Fig 1

In the MassHunter logbook the error description show the next sentence:

"Failed to start System Engines. The type initializer for 'Agilent.Mass.Spectrometry.LCMSAcquisition.AcqEngCore.SubInstrument' threw an exception. (Fig 2).

Fig 2

Has anyone had this error happen?
Can anyone suggest me any way to solve it?

Thank you very much in advance.

  • Hello  ,

    Generally for errors like this I would start with a full reset of the PC and instrument. You can follow the instructions in this Agilent Knowledge Portal article.

    (+) Performing a Full Reset of an LC/MS Triple Quadrupole System - Articles - LC/MS Portal - Agilent Community

    If that does not resolve the issue you can try using the instructions in this guide to investigate further and verify the network settings and the instrument configuration.

    MassHunter Workstation for 6000 Series LC/MS Administration Guide (

  • Thank you very much for your reply

    Regarding the software error, a complete software reset is usually performed when starting the analysis routine, however, according to your instructions, it was done again, but the error continues.

    When the error occurred, the first thing that was checked was the wiring connection and the status of the connectors, it was verified that the interface configuration was correct (IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway) and it was verified that there was communication between the PC. and mass spectrometer and chromatograph. All the tests were carried out following the instructions of the documents suggested by you, these show that there is communication but the error when starting Acquisition persists.

    I would be very grateful if you could help us solve this problem since the correct functioning of our spectrometer is vital for our organization.

  • Thank you very much for your reply

    Regarding the software error, a complete software reset is usually performed when starting the analysis routine, however, according to your instructions, it was done again, but the error continues.

    When the error occurred, the first thing that was checked was the wiring connection and the status of the connectors, it was verified that the interface configuration was correct (IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway) and it was verified that there was communication between the PC. and mass spectrometer and chromatograph. All the tests were carried out following the instructions of the documents suggested by you, these show that there is communication but the error when starting Acquisition persists.

    I would be very grateful if you could help us solve this problem since the correct functioning of our spectrometer is vital for our organization.

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