How to obtain multplier in masshunter quant batch table from the data of openlab cds fid using gc translator

Hi we are now using masshunter quant to process the data of gc/fid obtain by openlab cds and then using gc translator.the multiplier has already been set in the sequence table.and is there a way to obtain it from the masshunter in the batch the data can be postprocess. 

  • Prinkyb,

     Typically the multiplier the multiplier does not get translated with the raw signal. You will need to specify it in MassHunter Quant. 

  • Hi ron_tackett
    Is this mean when the amount of samples is large we need to manually add this data in masshunter quant?Is there any other column I can obtain by masshunter using the data of openlab cds,so I can use it  calculate the FinalConc or userDefined result? 

  • Hello  ,

    As far as I've been able to find out, only the data is translated. Even if information from the inject list were available, the Multiplier in MassHunter is calculated from the Dilution, Sample Amount, and Total Sample Amount and cannot be entered directly. Details on how that works can be found in this discussion.

    (+) Masshunter quantification in post processing - Forum - Mass Spectrometry Software - Agilent Community

    If you have the information available in an Excel spreadsheet you can copy and paste columns into the quant batch table. I believe that would be the easiest way to bring the information over.

  • Hello  

    I have seen the multiplier in the compound  method table,and know what it works with Sample amount,total amount anr dilutions.But what I want to know is is  there a multiplier come from the sample table.Multiplier in the openlab cds chemstation is from the sequence table for each injection and  I can manually edit.

    I see you say I can copy and paste the data from Excel,I tested it and it is ok .but I may not know which row corresponding which sample .Is this give me hint that  I can write masshunter sdk  script to import the information I need?


  • Hello  ,

    In MassHunter you can bring Dilution, Sample Amount, and Total Sample Amount from a worklist or GCMS sequence into quant. You cannot directly bring in a multiplier value. The Mulitplier in quant is a calculated value and cannot be directly entered. 

    It may be possible to write a script in quant using the SDK to update the Dilution, Sample Amount, and Total Sample Amount. You would have access to the sample name and data file name, so you could check against that to make certain you are applying the correct values from your external source. 

  • Hello  

    I have  wrote the script by referencing UI Customization Developers Guide. I want to know if the information of sample.xml file in the *.D Datafile  is correct and then its ok for me.I just grab the information from it.the script.I wrote below using datafile as main key.I can use it as a custom UI now and need to click the button for each batch when I need to import information.But I want to know if it can execute after I run add sample or Analyze batch tools.this means that can the script execute automatically?


    import clr
    import sys
    import System
    import System.Text
    import System.IO
    import System.Windows
    import System
    import Agilent
    import _commands
    import BatchDataSet
    from Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.Quantitative.UIScriptIF import *
    from System import *
    from System.Xml import *
    def SetStateCalc(ToolState,UIState):
        if UIState.HasBatch:
    def ExecuteCalc(ToolState,UIState):
            sampleRows=batchTable.Select("BatchID=%s" %(str(batchId)))
            for s in range(0,len(sampleRows)):
                None if String.IsNullOrEmpty(Multiplier) else _commands.QuantSetSampleAttribute(batchId,sId,"TotalSampleAmount",Multiplier)
            UIState.ShowMessage("ok","Masshunter quant",System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK,System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information)
        except Exception as ex:
    def GetSampleInfoByXml(datafile,Column):
        return elem[0].InnerXml

  • Hello  ,

    The sample_info.xml file will have some basic information about the sample that is translated from OL2, but it does not contain multiplier, dilution, or sample amount information from the Injection List.

    I'm not certain that it is possible to run a script based off of some other event in quant, but it may be possible to have a script trigger the add sample dialog and then perform a specific action after the dialog is closed. 

  • Hello  ,

    The sample_info.xml file will have some basic information about the sample that is translated from OL2, but it does not contain multiplier, dilution, or sample amount information from the Injection List.

    I'm not certain that it is possible to run a script based off of some other event in quant, but it may be possible to have a script trigger the add sample dialog and then perform a specific action after the dialog is closed. 

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