Is it possible to programmatically create LCMS acquisition methods starting from a base acquisition method?

The SDK docs extend to MH processing, but is it possible to get programmatic access to acquisition methods?

I would like to be able to open an acquisition method, programmatically change a parameter (e.g. CE) and save the updated acquisition method with a new name.

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  • Yes -my apologies: this is Mass Hunter 12 on a 6495C QQQ.

    My situation was that I needed to transfer a method with 143 analytes (over 400 MRMs) from a Sciex to our new 6495C. The on board source optimization tools in Mass Hunter turned out to be amazing (!!) but we needed an efficient way to manage all of the MRM CE optimizations, sticking to the transitions defined in the existing method.

    It turned out that the most efficient way to do this was to create a base method and then modify the base method to create multiple CE methods and then acquire a sequence. The areas were then obtained from MH Qual and some custom code was written to select the best CE for each MRM transition.

    Again, my apologies for not providing enough information in my question.

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