SDK for Masshunter and how can I code


is there a possibility to coding by SDK extensions for masshunter software?

I want to code a little AddOn/AddIn for Compund at-a-glance in Masshunter.

We have a lot of parameters in our methods. For some paremeters we have exceptions cases.

I would like if an employee meet a certain parameter that a "tool tip" with a text like "attention" is displayed in the right corner of the first pane in the window "Compound at-a-glance" of masshunter.

Is this possible?

  • Hello ,

    Compounds at a Glance does have properties and methods you can access in the SDK. A quick look through what is available doesn't show a way to do exactly what you are describing, but it may be possible to check for a condition and display a dialog box. If you are running one of the later versions of quant you may be able to use outlier filtering to quickly filter and display exception results for your users. This could either be done from the default UI or from the SDK I believe. 

  • Hello ,

    Compounds at a Glance does have properties and methods you can access in the SDK. A quick look through what is available doesn't show a way to do exactly what you are describing, but it may be possible to check for a condition and display a dialog box. If you are running one of the later versions of quant you may be able to use outlier filtering to quickly filter and display exception results for your users. This could either be done from the default UI or from the SDK I believe. 

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