Function not defined for arguments supplied when loading method error. MassHunter 10.1 Compliance mode

I have been having a problem with Masshunter Data Acquisition v 10.1 in Compliance Mode. When trying to load a method I get a error stating “Function not defined for arguments supplied”. For the life of me I could not clear the error out. Reinstalling the software didn't fix the issue along with a host of other things. I noticed that when I tried to log in there was a message for ECM Failure recovery log. I have always allowed it. The last time I tried to log in I said no and cleared the ECM failed log entry so it wouldn't try again.

I tried to load a method and it loaded without an issue. Tried to load a sequence and it loaded with no issues as well (use do have an actual message stating that the sequence loading was being cancelled on it's own). Has anyone seen this error before?

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  • So I actually did find out the issue. The rights that you posted were correct in my environment. What I found was possibly a corrupt method. I found another system with the same method. I renamed it, loaded it, and it worked without an issue. One thing I will note is that it had to be a different name than the method that was giving me issues. I tried to rename the good method the old method's name and got the "Function not defined for argument supplied" error again. This was after I removed the bad method from ECM. Named it something else and it loaded with no issue. Very weird. 

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