For some reason a group of us can not open the Mass Hunter Quantitative analysis software. We keep an error code that says "Failed to open batch file. Failed to read binary batch file. We can't analyze any of our bin files.
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For some reason a group of us can not open the Mass Hunter Quantitative analysis software. We keep an error code that says "Failed to open batch file. Failed to read binary batch file. We can't analyze any of our bin files.
We get this when the batch has been opened/saved /created in a different version of Quantitative analysis. Might want to check versions?
Hello kharrison77,
yes it would be important to know:
a) which versions are available?
b) Batch export/import: on which QUANT version was the batch created & on which QUANT version are the load problems?
at the moment I assume: the QUANT is downwards compatible, whether this can be reversed: no idea
regards, M.
Hello kharrison77,
yes it would be important to know:
a) which versions are available?
b) Batch export/import: on which QUANT version was the batch created & on which QUANT version are the load problems?
at the moment I assume: the QUANT is downwards compatible, whether this can be reversed: no idea
regards, M.