Gerstel maestro won't come up

Hi all


Having trouble with chemstation Gerstel. the program won't come up..


Using GC7890 with 5975C


Getting the following error


"Data subscription failed. Are inbound ports blocked? is there a 7890 at the IP adress?"


It suddenly appeared...


Will appreciate any help..





  • Roy,


    Can you clarify whether or not this is a ChemStation error or a Maestro error?


    What revision of MSD ChemStation are you using? When was the last time that you were able to launch the software successfully without error? Are you able to launch an instrument that is not configured with a Gerstel sampler?

  • Hi


    I'm using chemstation revision G1701EA E.02.02.1431 and the last successful launch was a day yesterday.

    It seems the malfunction accrued (during a "run" with a "new" method we are trying. involves FID HS for DCM residue, all the vials were sampled.. punctured but no directory or data files were created. that is also an issue but is set aside for this one) because of a windows update that was required. the GC IP address simply vanished. I managed to retrive it and tested it with ping reply but still got the above error.

    I spent some time over the phone with a service engineer from ELDAN and tried launching without Gerstel, unsuccessfully. tried reconfiguration of IP but didn't work.  It seems while Maestro starts up that massage pops up.. and the engineer does not want to "mess" with Gerstel configuration.. So I guess the problem is with the Maestro but realy can't say for sure..

    after getting the above error and prssing OK I get the following pics and then it crashes




  • Hi Roy,


    If this error was caused by a Windows update it is possible that you might need to uninstall/resinstall, but there are a couple things that you can try first.


    "Data Subscription Failed" errors in MSD ChemStation can sometimes be caused by a corruption in the local GC memory. You can try resetting the GC memory by powering on the GC while holding down the [Clear] button on the keypad. When you reset the memory you will most likely need to reconfigure your MSD transferline interface heater on the GC's front keypad.


    If you are still running into the error, you can send us the icstart.log file for this instrument (located at C:\msdchem\msexe\icstartX.log where X is the instrument number).

  • Thank you though I'm affraid to mess things up even worse due to the fact I do not know what it mean to reconfigure the interface heater..


    Can you provide an explanation\instructions on said configurations?


    Thanks again



Reply Children
  • Roy,


    See below for instructions on configuring the MSD Transferline Interface Heater if it is lost when you clear the local memory:


    1) Unlock Keyboard: [Options] select Keyboard & Display, press [Enter]. Scroll down to Hard Configuration Lock and turn OFF using the [OFF/ON] button.

    2) To configure Thermal Aux heater: Make sure that the Aux heater has been plugged into the correct connection.

         a.[Config] [Aux Temp#], scroll down to Thermal Aux 1, Thermal Aux2, or Thermal Aux 3, press [Enter] (the MSD transfer line is usually Aux2).

         b.In this screen, at the top it should say UNCONFIGURED, press [Mode/Type]. It will then read Install Heater 1 if you are in the Thermal Aux 1         configuration. Press [Enter]. At this point the GC will prompt you to Power cycle, DO NOT power cycle.

         c.Press [Clear], scroll to Auxiliary Type, press [Mode/Type], scroll down and select the MSD transfer line, [Enter]. Now Power Cycle GC.


    NOTE: You might also need to reconfigure the columns for you GC.

  • Hello Team,


    I 1.5 year ago I had the same problem in our training lab (but with MassHunter ACQ).




    regards, Michael

    FSG of Gerstel

  • upps, sorry: message was not finished


    the main reason seems to be network issue/LAN card configuration.

    Please check:  Firewall, Bindings (only if more than 2 NICs are used), Energy settings....etc


    Troubleshooting to isolate the problem:

    a) configure an additional G1701 instrument (GC only) and check the communication (Maesto configuration: NO integration)

    b) do simple communication check (to proof that GC communication is still fine):

         b1) maybe by if Hyperterminal is still available: do a telnet communication on the GC IP

         b2) by Internet Browser and type in the GC-IP address (if GC iP:

                   type inside browser:


         typical result will be (inside the browser): "say the magic word"

  • thank you very much for that input.. Unfortunately the Maestro has trouble communicating with it's controller (C506) and won't initialize at all.


    adding here pics of the error massages I get...




  • Hi Michael


    uploaded the report to your cloud..


    Also tried removing "check" from "inegrated" at Gerstel cnfig editor - the Maestro did not come uo as expected but chemstation did not either - got the same old original error


    "Data subscription failed. Are inbound ports blocked? is there a 7890 at the IP adress?"




  • Hello Roy,


    looks like: no communication to our controller.

    several reasons: PC got a new IP (different range than our c506); c506 off; LAN cable from PC to c506 missing, LAN Hub/Switch off....


    Checks (DEPENDING ON: if c506 is connected over "RS232" or "LAN")

    1) pre-info collection

    1a) open the "Maestro configuration editor" to see what is selected for c506 communication

    1b) create an MaestroSystemReport: by “GerstelSystemReporter.exe” (inside “C:\Program Files (x86)\Gerstel\Maestro”) => upload on my cloud space


    2.) LAN checks

                   a) check the display of c506: it must be illuminated + some characters shown

                        if so (only if firmware age is less than 4Y): press several times STOP (@c506) => IP of 506 will be shown



                   b) do a Windows CMD ping on the seen IP of c506:

                                  (PC keyboard press) Windows key (and simultaneously) R => type in white field


                                  expected positive answer: "bytes=”  “time XX ms”….




    3.) if all may take too long & you want to spend time again on the “data subscription failed” analysis

                   We can remove Maestro from the ChemStation Integration => use the maestro configuration editor => and uncheck the “Integrated” option

    1. e.g.


    regards, Michael

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