MSD G6125B Not Ready

I have a problem on several new Agilent 1290 Infinity II instruments without a visible pattern.


After a random sample, before starting a new sample. The G6125B mass detector does not transition from the "Not Ready" state to the "Idle" state.
10 minutes pass and the sequence ends due to an error.
The next sequence may also end immediately due to the same error, or it may not complete and work normally.
At the same time, there is no information about the mass detector error in the logs. Only "Instrument nRdy Timeout occured".
A problem may occur a couple of times a day, or it may not occur for several weeks. The problem does not depend on the method used and the sample.
After a short time, everything works.


The manual does not say what the "Not Ready" state depends on. According to the displayed data, such as RoughVac and HighVac, everything is in order with the mass detector.


The first screenshot captures the moment not long before the completion of the sequence due to an error.


Please, help.


MSD is waiting for temperatures adjusting. But what temperature? The gas and quadrupole temperatures are OK.
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