Intact proteomics using an Agilent 6546 Q-TOF

Hi, I would like to use an Agilent 6546QTOF for intact protein analysis including alignment to a known peptide sequence. Is the newest version of BioConfirm 11 capable of deconvoluting the high-resolution mass spectrum? If not, is there any other software available? 

  • Hi @ahoffmann,

    EDIT - my colleagues have pointed out that while Bioconfirm does work on accurate mass data it currently cannot perform intact protein deconvolution on data produced by the 6546 QTOF. Bioconfirm Version 11.0 has not yet been released and we do not currently have any information on what feature sets it will include.

    ORIGINAL REPLY - Yes, Boiconfirm was optimized to deconvolute accurate mass data. You can reach out to your regional sales person using the links on this page for more information on how to purchase Bioconfirm software. 

  • Hi @ahoffmann,

    EDIT - my colleagues have pointed out that while Bioconfirm does work on accurate mass data it currently cannot perform intact protein deconvolution on data produced by the 6546 QTOF. Bioconfirm Version 11.0 has not yet been released and we do not currently have any information on what feature sets it will include.

    ORIGINAL REPLY - Yes, Boiconfirm was optimized to deconvolute accurate mass data. You can reach out to your regional sales person using the links on this page for more information on how to purchase Bioconfirm software. 

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