6150B positive.u error.

I am getting the following error when switching from the method tab to the tuning tab:


Error loading file: File c:\chem32\1\6150btun\positive.u
does nto exist or is missing values for the desired polarity.


It doesn't mention the negative mode. I have tried all of my tricks. I have used msdiag command to check parameters and have found nothing wrong. I have autotuned, saved, reset, used previous tunes, used tunes and files from another 6150b, and reloaded chemstation, etc,etc. Nothing has worked yet.
Any ideas?



As a follow up: We were able to finally rid the system of this error by updating the firmware.

  • Hello gebaumann


    The previous reply from my colleague is on the right track. Basically for the G6150B, the tune files reside at C:\Chem32\1\6150btun\atunes.tun. The \1\ in this string refers to the instrument number so if you ave multiple instruments configured you may see a different number:



    If you see this error again, let us know and we can send you the missing file or complete directory.


    Or maybe, once you have tune files that you are satisfied with you can make a backup of these files just in case.




  • Hello gebaumann


    The previous reply from my colleague is on the right track. Basically for the G6150B, the tune files reside at C:\Chem32\1\6150btun\atunes.tun. The \1\ in this string refers to the instrument number so if you ave multiple instruments configured you may see a different number:



    If you see this error again, let us know and we can send you the missing file or complete directory.


    Or maybe, once you have tune files that you are satisfied with you can make a backup of these files just in case.




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