ELSD exhaust to fume hood?

Hi all

We have an ELSD that we want to install in a lab the only has a fume hood presently for extraction; we will be installing overhead extraction soon. I was hoping for the exhaust a the back of the instrument to feed this into the fume hood with some tubing, however a colleague has said we need to ensure there is negative pressure or we will get issues with signal?

So I just wanted to check if anyone has their ELSD setup as I have described - with the exhaust out to a fume hood?



  • A fume hood does supply negative pressure, doesn't it?

    Officially we say:

    • The exhaust from the instrument (13mm Black PVC) must be extracted to a fume hood or similar solvent disposal unit.
    • Ensure the exhaust hose has an upward slope from the ELSD so that any condensed solvent is collected in the waste bottle at the front of the unit and to prevent it accumulating in the tubing.
    • A mild vacuum is required. A strong vacuum needs to be avoided.

  • A fume hood does supply negative pressure, doesn't it?

    Officially we say:

    • The exhaust from the instrument (13mm Black PVC) must be extracted to a fume hood or similar solvent disposal unit.
    • Ensure the exhaust hose has an upward slope from the ELSD so that any condensed solvent is collected in the waste bottle at the front of the unit and to prevent it accumulating in the tubing.
    • A mild vacuum is required. A strong vacuum needs to be avoided.

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