Agilent 1260 Infinity II

We are using Agilent 1260 Infinity II with empower 3.

It happened couple of times that going from one sample set to other sample set, even vials for both sample set in same tray, instrument failure happened.

System kept on pumping mobile phase at the nominal rate but next sample set never started. There was no mistake or error with the method set because when started next morning no error happened and everything worked as normal.

In the message center following message appeared:

“Instrument Failure AgilentLC#0030D3303FFD”

What this message means and what is the reason of instrument failure?

  • Hello, 

    i think you question more about issue if driver for agilent LC  

    are the instrument methods for sample sets the same?

  • Your second sample set did not start because there is a conflict that could not be resolved. Instrument failures can be separated into method or sequence.

    If you select your (failing) instrument method and press "Setup", does the instrument start equilibrating? If so, your method is (likely) good.

    If not, "Edit" your method and resolve conflicts. The main cause of conflict is that the method and sample thermostat have conflicting modes. The thermostat can be in Control or Variable. Control keeps your sampler at a constant temperature. Variable looks at the method parameters and changes accordingly. If your sampler wants to hold constant at 5C and your method has a temperature "off", the instrument is not going to know what to do.

    Sequence related errors are a little harder to identify. Often your plate configuration is not correct (vialsampler- correct trays need to be used and they need to be pushed in all the way // multisampler trays need to be configured properly in the instrument and in Empower "plates". They also must match). Your injection volume is trying to sample more than your maximum volume.

  • Thanks for reply.

    I have digged out further. As method changes system flushes both syringes. The time it takes in doing so is too much and system generates error.

    There are two syringes installed on the system, 100ul and 500ul. We use "empower 3" . Is there any way that I can reduce the flush cycle.

  • From your reply it sounds like you are using a multisampler with multi-wash. As a reminder, the last wash cycle is always S1 (which should be your starting condition. Say it is 70/30 Water/ACN+additive). If your carryover is currently acceptable, try to run your analysis without S2 or S3 washes or reduce the wash time.

    If experiencing near-zero carryover, you can try to run your analysis with standard wash instead of multi-wash.

  • Thanks for reply.

    I am not using any multi wash but injector is a dual injector model. When any parameter changes in method both injectors are flushed. The time taken in doing so is that much that system generates error.  

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