Fraction collection in 7100 capillary electrophoresis

Hi, I have a 7100 capillary electrophoresis system, and am trying to use the Fraction Collection feature. Does anyone confirm that the system automatically splits peaks that are larger than 30 s? If so, is there a way I can ask the system to collect the two parts the peak has been split into in the same vial, to avoid collected sample dilution? Thanks.

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  • Thank you, unfortunately we tried to set a collection window much larger than the peak duration, but the peak got split again. And in the version of the software we are using no advanced settings allowing to collect different peaks into the same vial is available. We are collecting "manually", by stopping the run as soon as the peak disappears from the detection window and applying a flush, but obviously an automatic procedure would be much less time-consuming. Thank you again for your hints.

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