réglage injecteur

HPLC1260. L'offset de l'injecteur est à 0 , donc l'aiguille devrait descendre jusqu'à 2mm du fond du vial. Avec 0.5 mL d'échantillons dans mon vial je n'ai pas de chromato. Lorsque je place un insert dans le vial c'est ok. Qnn peux m'expliquer d'où vient le souci ? Je travaille en parallèle avec un HPLC1100 et je n'ai aucun souci de volume. Les réglages sont identiques.

  • The Agilent Community is an English forum.  Here is the question translated...

    "Injector setting"

    "HPLC1260. The offset of the injector is at 0, so the needle should go down to 2mm from the bottom of the vial. With 0.5 mL of samples in my vial I have no peaks. When I place an insert in the vial it's ok.  can you explain to me where the problem comes from? I work in parallel with an HPLC1100 and I have no problem with volume. The settings are identical.

  • The Agilent Community is an English forum.  Here is the question translated...

    "Injector setting"

    "HPLC1260. The offset of the injector is at 0, so the needle should go down to 2mm from the bottom of the vial. With 0.5 mL of samples in my vial I have no peaks. When I place an insert in the vial it's ok.  can you explain to me where the problem comes from? I work in parallel with an HPLC1100 and I have no problem with volume. The settings are identical.

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