Not able to launch LC OpenLab CDS ChemStation, ONLINE and OFFLINE

We have been using or HPLC system on a regular basis and suddenly, we are unable to launch OpenLAB CDS ChemStation would it be ONLINE or OFFLINE. The version that we use is C.01.07 SR3 Dec 2016 on Windows 7. The error message that we get is ‘Cannot launch the Instrument. The instrument is not available or has been deleted’. However, when I run Agilent Lab Advisor, all is good. I can connect to the LC and perform basic controls (start/stop pump, move sampler arm, etc.) on the instrument.

I visited your website and found two technical notes to help me restart my system and did perform the suggested solutions. The first one was ‘How to Restart Agilent Openlab Services in Windows 10’. It did not work. The second was ‘OpenLAB Chemtation not starting – Basic Troubleshooting’. It did not work.

When I try to launch our LC with OpenLAB Control Panel I get the error message ‘cannot launch not configured instrument’. I deleted the instrument and created a new one. When I hit the ‘configure instrument’ tab, I get an error message that starts like this:

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified

   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)

   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()

   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)

   at Agilent.OpenLab.UI.ChemStation.ChemStationInvoker.LaunchLocalApplication(String applicationName, String arguments, String applicationPath, Boolean waitForExit)


Did clean registry entries using CCleaner. Did not help either.

I must mention that this started after one of our students accessed the computer remotely using TeamViewer.

What should I do next?



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