AutoTune vs Tune Evaluation

Good afternoon everyone,

I have a doubt about AutoTune and Tune Evaluation.

I had read somewhere that calibration curves had to be redone as soon as an AutoTune was performed. Therefore I believed that if I would only check the tune with a Tune Evaluation, I would not lose the detector's parameters as long as everything was OK in the report. If not, I would do an AutoTune.

Tune Evaluation reports have been OK for the last 6 months but I recently discovered the MSD sensitivity had dropped drastically, by injecting the same GROB mix injected 6 months ago.

So I believe a Tune Evaluation does not check for abundance. After doing an AutoTune, the EM Voltage passed from 1053 to 1241 and sensitivity improved.

All this because I suddenly lost peaks in the middle of a chromatogram for the same sample.

Is there a way to maintain the MSD response constant over time without doing new calibration curves?

Thank you.

  • The tune evaluation was written for an orthogonal ion source (SS/Inert/Extractor) system, atune or etune, running helium carrier gas between 0.8 and 1.4 ml/min, at 230° C ion source and 150° C quad temperatures. It may not pass using other temperatures, flows, hydrogen carrier gas or the HES and yet the system is fully functional and there is nothing to repair. It is not for Stune, BFB_tune, DFTPP_tune, target tuning, and not designed to be used for PCI or NCI, either.

    The tune algorithm can change every parameter, so the overall response will be different after tuning. That may or may not be an issue depending on how you run your system, though.

    See the blog article    (+) Agilent Community    Don't Tune So Often !

  • The tune evaluation was written for an orthogonal ion source (SS/Inert/Extractor) system, atune or etune, running helium carrier gas between 0.8 and 1.4 ml/min, at 230° C ion source and 150° C quad temperatures. It may not pass using other temperatures, flows, hydrogen carrier gas or the HES and yet the system is fully functional and there is nothing to repair. It is not for Stune, BFB_tune, DFTPP_tune, target tuning, and not designed to be used for PCI or NCI, either.

    The tune algorithm can change every parameter, so the overall response will be different after tuning. That may or may not be an issue depending on how you run your system, though.

    See the blog article    (+) Agilent Community    Don't Tune So Often !

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