"Spiky" peaks in MRM Mode - Comparison to Application Notes

Our 7000A QQQ appears to have an issue with "spiky" peaks, even at moderate concentrations with reasonable area counts. Fig. 1 and 2 are an EIC of a PCB peak at 0.5 and 1 ug/L, respectively. I have included the spectrum to show the points per peak, these were collected in MRM mode (not dMRM) with a dwell of 25 ms. This "spiky"-ness observed affects integration significantly and stymies the Agile 2 integrator, even at concentrations as high as ~10 ug/L (Fig. 3). This requires manual integration to resolve.

In contrast, I have observed in Agilent application notes peaks with areas < 1000 and sometimes even < 200 that do not display these issues, even with methods with purportedly over 50 concurrent transitions (with dwell times likely less than 25 ms shown here). Examples of these peaks can be found in the Appendix Figure 1. of note 5994-6505 (link) and Figure 3. of note 5994-4891 (link).

I would think that if smoothing were used to produce the chromatograms it would be mentioned in the application notes (no smoothing mentioned in either of the two examples), so I think that can be ruled out. I have experimented with the "baseline subtraction" and "advanced filtering" settings in MS parameters with no changes. Different gain levels have been tested as well.

What would cause this? Our instrument has no observable issues and no tune errors to note. We are using a relatively new EI extractor source and the EM is in good shape, tune value is around 1200 V. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Fig. 1 Manually integrated 0.5 ug/L PCB standard. 1200 area count.

Fig. 2. Manually integrated 1 ug/L PCB standard. 2200 area count.

Fig. 3. Non-manually integrated 10 ug/L PCB standard. Note false peak splitting caused by "spiky" peaks. Area count and no. scans in the figure are inaccurate as the peak is not correctly integrated.

  • In every MRM time segment, how many MRM ions do you have and what dwell times for all?


    This shows 170 scans, MRM cycles, in 0.238 minutes ..14.28 seconds-- that's a wide chromatographic peak. It is out at 31 minutes.  The small ones in the application notes are only about 0.05 minutes wide... 3 seconds.  Are you completely positive it is only one peak ?    Software age dependent you could run MRM/Scan to verify that it is the only peak with the Scan data.  A 7000A is quite old now and the software sold with it could not do concurrent MRM/Scan if I remember correctly. Integration start/stop is looking at peak width and inflections, so it does not think that a wide peak with inflections is one peak

    The MRM cycle time, balancing the number of MRM ions and their dwell times, is typically chosen to get somewhere between a minimum of 10, for any kind of decent peak shape and integration, and 20 or 30 data points across any chromatographic peak. 25 ms dwell is quick if you only have a very few MRM ions.  "Statistically adequate" is the term used.   Setting dwell times to get about 3 or 4 MRM cycles per second is typical.

    Also, your peak is not very tall, so if you would compare it to the ones you're pointing to in the application notes, it would be a very shallow with a less defined start and stop.  Notice the parathion peak from the application note is in "relative abundance %" and not raw counts. The parathion peak in the TIC is about 250,000 counts tall at 50 ug/ml.  The smallest peak height in both of those notes is still 700 counts tall and most are in the low to mid thousands. 

    I tried to match the times from your peak to the smallest 9.2ppb pesticide peak by height.

    50 concurrent MRM transitions is using dynamic MRM which is very different than fixed time segments.  This was introduced first on LCMS systems with an article here: 5990-3595en_lo CMS.pdf (agilent.com)  . 

    Please upload these files from inside your run method's Windows subdirectory:  acqmeth.txt and qqqacqmethod.xml.

    ....and if your forum name FAB relates to the 1960's Supermarionation TV show, I have a metal Thunderbird Two in my office!

  • In every MRM time segment, how many MRM ions do you have and what dwell times for all?


    This shows 170 scans, MRM cycles, in 0.238 minutes ..14.28 seconds-- that's a wide chromatographic peak. It is out at 31 minutes.  The small ones in the application notes are only about 0.05 minutes wide... 3 seconds.  Are you completely positive it is only one peak ?    Software age dependent you could run MRM/Scan to verify that it is the only peak with the Scan data.  A 7000A is quite old now and the software sold with it could not do concurrent MRM/Scan if I remember correctly. Integration start/stop is looking at peak width and inflections, so it does not think that a wide peak with inflections is one peak

    The MRM cycle time, balancing the number of MRM ions and their dwell times, is typically chosen to get somewhere between a minimum of 10, for any kind of decent peak shape and integration, and 20 or 30 data points across any chromatographic peak. 25 ms dwell is quick if you only have a very few MRM ions.  "Statistically adequate" is the term used.   Setting dwell times to get about 3 or 4 MRM cycles per second is typical.

    Also, your peak is not very tall, so if you would compare it to the ones you're pointing to in the application notes, it would be a very shallow with a less defined start and stop.  Notice the parathion peak from the application note is in "relative abundance %" and not raw counts. The parathion peak in the TIC is about 250,000 counts tall at 50 ug/ml.  The smallest peak height in both of those notes is still 700 counts tall and most are in the low to mid thousands. 

    I tried to match the times from your peak to the smallest 9.2ppb pesticide peak by height.

    50 concurrent MRM transitions is using dynamic MRM which is very different than fixed time segments.  This was introduced first on LCMS systems with an article here: 5990-3595en_lo CMS.pdf (agilent.com)  . 

    Please upload these files from inside your run method's Windows subdirectory:  acqmeth.txt and qqqacqmethod.xml.

    ....and if your forum name FAB relates to the 1960's Supermarionation TV show, I have a metal Thunderbird Two in my office!

  • Thank you for this response, I really appreciate this discussion, comparison, and bringing it back to chromatography. FAB doesn't come from the show, but I will check it out!

    This PCB is "one" peak, but there is an adjacent/nearly co-eluting PCB. I have noticed this same "spikiness" with other target compounds though at low peak areas with greater ramp rates, so if it is a method issue I may be making the same mistake in multiple places.

    I attached the aqmeth and method file - I am comfortable with dMRM applications, but this method was an intermediate step and implemented 4 concurrent transitions since retention times weren't finalized. It does make sense that peak width (and height) matter a lot when looking at integration consistency and S/N.

    To complete the comparison, I'd like to show the other example that is from Fig. 1 in the appendix of note 5994-6505 - as far as I can tell these are truly abundance, have peak areas near and below 2000, but appear to present very well - does this still track with the peak width and dwell time being the main contributor to this artifacting?

    I am running additional test today with a cleaner standard, similar compounds (di and tetra PCBs), and greater oven ramp rate to interrogate dwell times and resolution settings. Thank you again for looking into this!

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <MSAcqMethod xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                            INSTRUMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS:    QQQ
          Thu Nov 30 15:32:01 2023
    Control Information
    ------- -----------
    Sample Inlet             : GC
    Injection Source         : GC ALS
    Injection Location:  Rear
    Mass Spectrometer        : Enabled
     No Sample Prep method has been assigned to this method.
    GC Summary
    Run Time                                     43.333 min
    Post Run Time                                0 min
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    100 °C
    Hold Time                                    1 min
    Post Run                                     50 °C
    #1 Rate                                      3 °C/min
    #1 Value                                     200 °C
    #1 Hold Time                                 0 min
    #2 Rate                                      25 °C/min
    #2 Value                                     300 °C
    #2 Hold Time                                 5 min
    Equilibration Time                           0.3 min
    Max Temperature                              300 °C
    Maximum Temperature Override                 Disabled
    Slow Fan                                     Disabled
    Back Injector
    Syringe Size                                 10 μL
    Injection Volume                             2 μL
    Solvent A Washes (PreInj)                    2
    Solvent A Washes (PostInj)                   0
    Solvent A Volume                             8 μL
    Solvent B Washes (PreInj)                    0
    Solvent B Washes (PostInj)                   2
    Solvent B Volume                             8 μL
    Sample Washes                                0
    Sample Wash Volume                           8 μL
    Sample Pumps                                 0
    Dwell Time (PreInj)                          0 min
    Dwell Time (PostInj)                         0 min
    Solvent Wash Draw Speed                      300 μL/min
    Solvent Wash Dispense Speed                  3000 μL/min
    Sample Wash Draw Speed                       300 μL/min
    Sample Wash Dispense Speed                   3000 μL/min
    Injection Dispense Speed                     6000 μL/min
    Viscosity Delay                              0 sec
    Sample Depth                                 Disabled
    Injection Type                               2-layer Sandwich (L1,L2)
    L1 Airgap                                    0.2 μL
    L2 Volume                                    1 μL
    L2 Airgap                                    0.2 μL
    Solvent Wash Mode                            A, B
    Barcode Symbology                            Enable all symbologies
    Barcode Checksum                             Off
    Vial Heater                                  Disabled
    Vial Mixer                                   Disabled
    Sample Overlap
    Mode                                         Sample overlap is not enabled
    ALS Errors                                   Pause for user interaction
    Front MM Inlet He
    Front MM Inlet He Temperature
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    250 °C
    Excluded from Readiness                      ***Excluded from Affecting GC's Readiness State***
    Mode                                         Split
    Pressure                                     On    14.811 psi
    Total Flow                                   On    8.6615 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow                            On    3 mL/min
    Gas Saver                                    Off
    Split Ratio                                  10 :1
    Split Flow                                   5.1468 mL/min
    Cryo                                         Off
    Cryo Type                                    CO2
    Liner                                        A Liner has not been selected.
    Back SS Inlet He
    Mode                                         Pulsed Splitless
    Heater                                       On    300 °C
    Pressure                                     On    16.641 psi
    Total Flow                                   On    33.6 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow                            On    3 mL/min
    Septum Purge Flow Mode                       Standard
    Gas Saver                                    On    15 mL/min after 5 min
    Injection Pulse Pressure                     30 psi Until 0.75 min
    Purge Flow to Split Vent                     30 mL/min at 0.75 min
    Liner                                        A Liner has not been selected.
    Thermal Aux 2 (MSD Transfer Line)
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    300 °C
    Column #1
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    0.51468 mL/min
    Post Run                                     0.62872 mL/min
    Column Information                           Restek Rtx-5
    Description                                  60 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 um
    Temperature Range                            -60 °C—325 °C (350 °C)
    Dimensions                                   60 m x 250 μm x 0.25 μm (Uncalibrated)
    Heater                                       Oven
    Column lock                                  Locked
    In                                           Front MM Inlet He
    Out                                          Front Detector ECD
    (Initial)                                    100 °C
    Pressure                                     14.811 psi
    Flow                                         0.51468 mL/min
    Average Velocity                             14.074 cm/sec
    Holdup Time                                  7.1051 min
    Control Mode                                 Constant Flow
    Column #2
    Setpoint                                     On
    (Initial)                                    0.6 mL/min
    Post Run                                     0.78872 mL/min
    Column Information                           Restek Rxi-624
    Description                                  20 m x 0.18 mm x 1 um
    Temperature Range                            -60 °C—325 °C (350 °C)
    Dimensions                                   20 m x 180 μm x 1 μm (Uncalibrated)
    Heater                                       Oven
    Column lock                                  Locked
    In                                           Back SS Inlet He
    Out                                          MSD 
    (Initial)                                    100 °C
    Pressure                                     16.641 psi
    Flow                                         0.6 mL/min
    Average Velocity                             35.379 cm/sec
    Holdup Time                                  0.94217 min
    Control Mode                                 Constant Flow
    Column Outlet Pressure                       0 psi
    Front Detector ECD
    Excluded from Readiness                      ***Excluded from Affecting GC's Readiness State***
    Makeup                                       N2
    Heater                                       On    150 °C
    Makeup Flow                                  Off
    Carrier Gas Flow Correction                  Constant Makeup Flow
    Electrometer                                 On
    Aux EPC 4,5,6
    Aux EPC 4 He
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    10 psi
    Excluded from Readiness                      ***Excluded from Affecting GC's Readiness State***
    Aux EPC 4 He                                 (unused)
    Aux EPC 5 He
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    10 psi
    Excluded from Readiness                      ***Excluded from Affecting GC's Readiness State***
    Aux EPC 5 He                                 (unused)
    Aux EPC 6 He
    Setpoint                                     Off
    (Initial)                                    10 psi
    Excluded from Readiness                      ***Excluded from Affecting GC's Readiness State***
    Aux EPC 6 He                                 (unused)
    Collision Cell EPC
    Quench Gas He                                On    2.25 mL/min
    Collision Gas N2                             On    1.5 mL/min
    Signal #1:  Front Signal
    Description                                  Front Signal
    Details                                      Front Signal (ECD)
    Save                                         Off
    Data Rate                                    50 Hz
    Dual Injection Assignment                    Front Sample
    Signal #2: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #3: 
    Description                                  None
    Signal #4: 
    Description                                  None
                            END OF INSTRUMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS

  • Recommendations for your method:

    Equilibration time 0.3 minutes  - too short, increase to 1 minute or longer for best run to run reproducibility.

    Sample Washes - 0.   It is always better to wash the syringe with the sample. I recommend four to six minimum if there is sufficient sample volume in the vial.

    Sample Pumps - 0.  It is best to have the syringe pump at least four to six times to minimize air bubbles.

    Viscosity Delay 0 seconds.  Make this 2 to 4 seconds or more - again for best reproducibility. 

    Gas saver 15 ml/min.  This is lower than the recommended 20 ml/min minimum and honestly 30 to 40 ml/min is probably better especially with your ending temperature of 300° C. Too low leads to air migration and oxygen damage to the column.

    Injection pulse pressure 30 psi until 0.75 in AND Purge Flow to Split Vent 30 ml/min at 0.75 min.   There is some small debate about the arrangement of these, but having them both happen at the same time can cause some weird peak effects. It's possible that the column flow is actually backwards in the front of the column for the time it takes for the inlet pressure to restabilize.  I recommend 30 psi until 0.4 min and 100 ml/min at 0.8 min, then gas saver 40 ml/min at 2 minutes.  The delay between allows the pressure to decay from 0.4 and 0.8 minutes minimizing any big pressure/flow changes and then the 100 ml/min sweeps the residue out of the inlet quickly.

    It might be interesting to try a 40 or even 50 psi pulse to get the sample onto the front of the column quicker, especially with 2µL injected.  

    What solvent do you inject?  Have you checked the vapor volume calculator?  If its boiling point is less than 80° C, you should try with the oven starting 20° or so below the boiling point.  That helps with the solvent effect where your sample stops along with the solvent on the column and may sharpen up your later eluting peaks.

    Only four MRM transitions and 20 ms each. Wow, that's fast, ~12 MRM cycles per second.  I would increase the dwell to 75 ms each to get 3.3 MRM cycles per second.

    Is your run method's 280°C ion source temperature the same in your autotune?  I sure hope so as that helps with overall stability.

    In the Thunderbirds "FAB" was said like "A-OK", or "10-4" or another confirmation that the person heard what was said.  

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