Only Solvent peak appears for my FAME Analysis

I am new to GC. I am trying to make a calibration table for a set of fatty acid standards using Agilent 8860 (GC-FID)

After the derivitization step, analysis of the resulting methyl esters shows only the solvent peak. Usually a very high solvent peak of about 700000 pA in the blank (heptane). This is also the only peak seen in the analysis of my samples.  I mostly start the derivitization with concentration ranges between 5-1000ng/ML. What could potentially be the reason I only observe the solvent peak? Could it be that there is something wrong with the derivitization step or instrument conditions. Thank you. 

  • Hello,

    I would start with injection of standard solution of required methyl esters in the concentration ranges between 5-1000ng/ML.  For example in our laboratory we inject blank (Heptan) then standard solution of required esters in low concentation range for signal to noise calculation and another standard solution with higher concentrations for identification and finaly sample after derivatization.

    Different methyl esters are available for purhase from different sources. Without injection of standard solution it's dificult to say what is the problem. It could be instrument issue or sample preparation issue, in order to exclude one of them you need first to inject standard solution of FAME.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello,

    I would start with injection of standard solution of required methyl esters in the concentration ranges between 5-1000ng/ML.  For example in our laboratory we inject blank (Heptan) then standard solution of required esters in low concentation range for signal to noise calculation and another standard solution with higher concentrations for identification and finaly sample after derivatization.

    Different methyl esters are available for purhase from different sources. Without injection of standard solution it's dificult to say what is the problem. It could be instrument issue or sample preparation issue, in order to exclude one of them you need first to inject standard solution of FAME.

    Kind regards,

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