5890 FID vs 8890 FID values

I hope this does not seem like a dumb question but I have just replaced a 5890 FID with an 8890 FID and I see my values on some peaks have increased. Is this normal? What would cause this to happen? Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Internal

    Thank you so much for your reply.
    Our 5890 would not work because of the injector controller box would not send the signal to inject and there are “zero” places to find a reliable one.
    We ordered an 8890 to replace that instrument.
    We began see in some differences in the data and went back to running retain samples that were run and approved on the 5890 on the 8890 and the values were similar but there was some fluctuation by +/-0. 2 to almost 1.0%.
    We made some adjustments to the method and we got it to a better but still some percentage differences up to 0.50%.
    I new that there had to be some simple analytical explanation to this other than to say that the sensitivities of the newer detectors were greater and this is why we are seeing the value differences but the analog vs digital explanation also works as I would expect digital signals to be more precise than analog.
    Also we use the EMPOWER system that used A/D boxes for the signals from the 5890 ‘s so that also could have some signal differences as now there is no signal conversion involved from analog.
    If you have any other thoughts on this I would love to hear them and I really appreciate your response on this matter.
    You have restores my faith in Agilent as I was getting a little sore on the recent customer service and response to my inquires.
    Thank you very much CM Zainea!!!
    Best Regards,
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  • Internal

    Thank you so much for your reply.
    Our 5890 would not work because of the injector controller box would not send the signal to inject and there are “zero” places to find a reliable one.
    We ordered an 8890 to replace that instrument.
    We began see in some differences in the data and went back to running retain samples that were run and approved on the 5890 on the 8890 and the values were similar but there was some fluctuation by +/-0. 2 to almost 1.0%.
    We made some adjustments to the method and we got it to a better but still some percentage differences up to 0.50%.
    I new that there had to be some simple analytical explanation to this other than to say that the sensitivities of the newer detectors were greater and this is why we are seeing the value differences but the analog vs digital explanation also works as I would expect digital signals to be more precise than analog.
    Also we use the EMPOWER system that used A/D boxes for the signals from the 5890 ‘s so that also could have some signal differences as now there is no signal conversion involved from analog.
    If you have any other thoughts on this I would love to hear them and I really appreciate your response on this matter.
    You have restores my faith in Agilent as I was getting a little sore on the recent customer service and response to my inquires.
    Thank you very much CM Zainea!!!
    Best Regards,
    Personal Information Removed by Moderator

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