5890 FID vs 8890 FID values

I hope this does not seem like a dumb question but I have just replaced a 5890 FID with an 8890 FID and I see my values on some peaks have increased. Is this normal? What would cause this to happen? Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Hello  ,

    No such thing as a dumb question Slight smile

    Just so I can understand the question better, do you mean that you used to have a 5890 GC FID system, and you replaced that with an 8890 GC FID system? Or do you mean that your FID on the 5890 stopped working and you replaced it with an 8890 FID, somehow?

    If you somehow managed to install an 8890 FID on a 5890 (which I do not know whether it's possible), then this is not a supported configuration and it would be a good idea to move towards purchasing a new GC.

    If, however, you do have an 8890 and just comparing chromatographic results against your old 5890, then you are expected to see differences. From what I understand 5890s were Analog outputs, whereas 8890s are Digital outputs. Results are not expected to be comparable.

  • Hello  ,

    No such thing as a dumb question Slight smile

    Just so I can understand the question better, do you mean that you used to have a 5890 GC FID system, and you replaced that with an 8890 GC FID system? Or do you mean that your FID on the 5890 stopped working and you replaced it with an 8890 FID, somehow?

    If you somehow managed to install an 8890 FID on a 5890 (which I do not know whether it's possible), then this is not a supported configuration and it would be a good idea to move towards purchasing a new GC.

    If, however, you do have an 8890 and just comparing chromatographic results against your old 5890, then you are expected to see differences. From what I understand 5890s were Analog outputs, whereas 8890s are Digital outputs. Results are not expected to be comparable.

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