Warning: calibrated compound not found (GC-7890b)

Dear All,


I analysed samples and standards with GC-7890b for CH4, N2O and CO2. I could see the peaks for each gas in each sample during running and everything was normal.

When the work of machine has been finished, I checked the result out, I can't see peaks and I saw this message for each sample: Warning: calibrated compound not found!

Could you please give me advice about this problem? Do you think I can fix it?


Thank you so much,


Parents Reply Children
  • Dear hennindm

    Thank you so much for your reply.


    How I can fix it? Do you have any solution and would you able to help me?




  • Verify what signal you are saving....Detector 1 is being saved as Signal A....This is under the instrument conditions tab that follows the detector temp and flow settings (I am away from the lab right now, so I can't look at ChemStation). If you look at your calibration table, it should say signal A or signal B in one of the columns. You may need to change the Calibration table view to see this column. There are several different calibration table views.


    Alternatively, "EDIT Entire Method"  You will reach a window that asks what signal will be used for calibration...You can change it here as well. 


    If you look at the Real Time window, top left corner, you can see if this is signal A or B that you are viewing in real time.

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