How do I set solvent delay for GC FID on OpenLab software?

Hi all. I want to set a solvent delay in my GC FID method, similar to how we do it for GCMS. How do I go about it using OpenLab? Thanks.

  • Hi murigi,

    I have updated the tags for visibility . Typically for an FID you do not use a solvent delay/ detector off. The FID is a destructive detector and the solvent would pass through and be destroyed. I guess you are looking to have the solvent not shown on the chromatogram  . This can be done with time programming of the signal. Detector off/ on feature or save partial data in the signals section depending on your version of software. I will see if I can get a screen capture for you.




  • Part two,

    I had a look at a GC and there are two options. One is delay start so that the data file will not contain the solvent if it is at the front of the chromatogram . Please note though, this is Openlab version dependent . See graphic.


    The second option is just a change to the reporting window.



    I hope this helps.



  • Hi murigi,


    I'm going to chime in here with a follow up to James great suggestions.


    Usually when customers make this request, it is because they are viewing the full range of the chromatogram and the solvent peak is making it difficult to see their peaks of interest because it has a much greater response. Rather than not collecting data while the solvent elutes, the easiest way to resolve this is (assuming you are using OpenLAB ChemStation) is to choose to Autoscale rather than view the full range. Autoscaling will automatically scale the y-axis of the chromatogram to the second tallest integrated peak rather than to the solvent peak. This option can be found by going to Graphic> Signal Options... as seen below:



    These scaling options will apply to any chromatograms displayed on classic reports that you print. If you are using intelligent reporting, then you will need to change the chromatogram scaling in the chromatogram properties on the report template:


    In the above screenshot, I am choosing to scale to 100% of the 2nd tallest peak in the chromatogram on an intelligent report template.

  • I marked this as assumed answered, please feel free to comeback and post if you need more help.



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