7683 Series ALS on 6890N GC won't inject

I have a 6890N GC-FID with a 7683 Series ALS and I'm using Agilent Open Lab (EZChrom Edition) software.  The software won't trigger the autosampler to make an injection.   A box appears on the screen with the message 'Incompatible Tray'.  I have verified that "External" is chosen as the source of the injection in the software.  I've replaced the autosampler tray with another tray that is known to be working, and I've replaced the tray cable.  I've also rebooted the GC and the computer.   None of these things have corrected the problem.  Is there anything else I can try, or does this indicate a bad board?

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  • Hi Debbie,

    I see that you said the ALS is working now, which is great but the problem is we don't know why. There is possibility that this error may occur again. If it does, i would consider a firmware compatibility issue with the tray or controller. I checked the compatibility between the firmware revisions you provided above and the minimum firmware for the tray and controller should be a.02.00 if it is installed on a GC with minimum firmware of a.03.08. With the firmware you currently have installed, it may lead to more errors or fewer features available for the tray component.


    If this error occurs again, please contact our US call center at 1-800-227-9770 option 3 to open an onsite service call to have the firmware upgraded. Alternatively, complete the online service request form at Agilent.com > Contact us.

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