6890N working with windows 7

Hello, I am attempting to Resurect a 6890N GC the GC seems to power up and function properly. The accompanying 5973 appears to try to power up but the display doesnot come on. The issue I am having is making these insturments work with a windows 7 computer, I am not able to use a XP machine per corporate standard. I have tried multiple IO library editions without success to get comunication established.

  • I wouldn't worry too much about the software version right now. Every version of Chemstation, from A to E will still connect to the 5973.  The only exception to that is that a 5973A will not easily connect with version E, you have to use Version D or earlier for those instruments.  Is the mass spec hooked up via GPIB cables? or is it a usb to GPIB adapter? In order for the mass spec to connect, you'll have to double check the IP, then configure the gpib adapter.  The GC's generally connect without issue, but the older mass specs are more finicky. There are a few specific parameters that you have to configure for the connection to work. In the IO libraries, for the SICL interface name, you have to name it "hp82341".


    Now, the other thing is that if the screen is not coming on, then identifying the IP it is using will be more difficult.  Although, that may indicate a hardware issue with the mass spec.  Does the turbo pump/diffusion pump turn on? does it attempt to pump down? If it does not do those things than the mass spec will need servicing for sure.

  • The software revision is crucial to what will and will not work on Windows 7. If it is not E.02.01 or later, it was not tested on that operating system and is not guaranteed to work. Spending time getting the communication working will be for naught if ultimately ChemStation can't run properly due to incompatibility. Agilent strongly recommend against trying to use an older, untested revision of MSD ChemStation on an untested operating system. Certainly no D revision or earlier, but even the early E revisions will likely not function properly.

  • Ok, I will be heading to the labs shortly as I work in multiple locations. I will check all of these points and get back to you with my findings.



    Jeremy [personal information removed]

  • Oh i agree, the earlier versions will most certainly not function "properly".  But they WILL install, and they WILL connect to the mass spec. Will they run after that? Very possibly not.  But i figure first things first.  On a related note, The old 5973As did have a hidden button you could press to manually reset the networking card, which would reset the IP address to the original default value.  I do not know if the model that Jeremyan uses, still has that function or not. Possibly power cycling both the GC and the Mass Spec simultaneously can help also.

  • Hi caduceon,

    One minor point of clarification. The older 5973A did have the reset switch, but its only function was to reset the smart card which was similar to a power cycle. The 5973A was GPIB only and addressing was handled by dip switch settings. It looks like jeremyan is referring to a 5973N as he mentions the LUI display and that would be a full LAN/IP instrument.

  • Hi Jeremy,

    The D01.XX would definitely have some problems with functionality on Win 7. The MassHunter B05.XX version will not be an option as we only started supporting the 5973N on B07.01 and later versions. I will send your information to our sales dept for software information. If you are not able to ping the MSD using basic commands , there is a real possibility that the smart card has an issue.



  • Hi Jeremy,

    I just left a voicemail on your cell , feel free to email me the requested information direct with the email I left in the message.


  • That is correct sir, I am currently at the lab both the 6890 and the 5973 are of the N persuasion. As for the chem station version it is currently D.01... so it is definitely older than recommended. I do have another possible option available as there is another pc with windows seven OS that has masshunter B.05.... version installed and running a newer GC\MSD. would it be possible to run the old 6890N from this machine? I am assuming the correct IO library and a few other settings would need attention, but would it be feasible? Also just to cover the bases could you put me in touch with some one who could give me a quote for the software I would need to get this GC running on it's own computer?



    Jeremy [personal information removed]

  • That is correct sir, I am currently at the lab both the 6890 and the 5973 are of the N persuasion. As for the chem station version it is currently D.01... so it is definitely older than recommended. I do have another possible option available as there is another pc with windows seven OS that has masshunter B.05.... version installed and running a newer GC\MSD. would it be possible to run the old 6890N from this machine? I am assuming the correct IO library and a few other settings would need attention, but would it be feasible? Also just to cover the bases could you put me in touch with some one who could give me a quote for the software I would need to get this GC running on it's own computer?



    Jeremy [personal information removed]

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