What FID flows should I use?

Is there a table / document somewhere on what Agilent GC  FID flows I should be using for a particular column ?

Right now I have a 7890B with a 30m 0.32 column film thickness 0.25.  We use it for petroleum / Diesel Range Organic analysis with a ALS injector.  I guessed and set the h2 to like 40mL/min and the air to 350mL/ min.

I am not using any make up gas.  Should I?



  • The required flame height is directly related to the distance between the tip of the jet and the collector. Before the 5890, the collector height was set by the operator. Starting with the 5890, the collector height is fixed.  That means the flame height needs to be fixed. That means that the optimal total flow coming out of the jet is one flow rate and that, while other flow rates will work, they are not optimal.  30 ml/min of carrier + makeup gas, 30 ml/min of hydrogen, and 400 ml/min of air is optimal for the FID.  The optimal column flow rate is a bit less exact as there is a bit of a range for each column diameter.  Your 0.32 column works best between, oh, say 1.5 ml/min and 3 or so.  Remember that increased  column flow rate does not push the peaks through all that much faster, that's the oven temperature's job.  So if you are running that 0.32 column at 2.5 ml/min, you want your makeup gas at 27.5 ml/min.  You will also get slightly better sensitivity running nitrogen makeup than helium due to the physics of the two gases.  


    And ask as many questions as you need!  Don't forget that you can talk with experts by calling the Agilent 800#, too.

  • The required flame height is directly related to the distance between the tip of the jet and the collector. Before the 5890, the collector height was set by the operator. Starting with the 5890, the collector height is fixed.  That means the flame height needs to be fixed. That means that the optimal total flow coming out of the jet is one flow rate and that, while other flow rates will work, they are not optimal.  30 ml/min of carrier + makeup gas, 30 ml/min of hydrogen, and 400 ml/min of air is optimal for the FID.  The optimal column flow rate is a bit less exact as there is a bit of a range for each column diameter.  Your 0.32 column works best between, oh, say 1.5 ml/min and 3 or so.  Remember that increased  column flow rate does not push the peaks through all that much faster, that's the oven temperature's job.  So if you are running that 0.32 column at 2.5 ml/min, you want your makeup gas at 27.5 ml/min.  You will also get slightly better sensitivity running nitrogen makeup than helium due to the physics of the two gases.  


    And ask as many questions as you need!  Don't forget that you can talk with experts by calling the Agilent 800#, too.

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