What FID flows should I use?

Is there a table / document somewhere on what Agilent GC  FID flows I should be using for a particular column ?

Right now I have a 7890B with a 30m 0.32 column film thickness 0.25.  We use it for petroleum / Diesel Range Organic analysis with a ALS injector.  I guessed and set the h2 to like 40mL/min and the air to 350mL/ min.

I am not using any make up gas.  Should I?



  • Just like Krishna said, using makeup gas helps in cases to get peaks out faster. What is usually recommended for the FID is

    (For packed column FID - if you have a capillary column adapter at your detector inlet / column outlet)

    Hydrogen 30 mL/min

    Air 400 mL/min

    makeup 25 mL/min 


    Otherwise for Capillary FID

    Hydrogen 30

    air 400

    Makeup around 10 should be fine (you can play with it if you have issues with the flame)


    These are the recommended default values. After that, you can do some testing to see if changing those increases your signal and responses. Also as a side note, the detector temperature is normally recommended to be above 300-350 Celcius.

  • Just like Krishna said, using makeup gas helps in cases to get peaks out faster. What is usually recommended for the FID is

    (For packed column FID - if you have a capillary column adapter at your detector inlet / column outlet)

    Hydrogen 30 mL/min

    Air 400 mL/min

    makeup 25 mL/min 


    Otherwise for Capillary FID

    Hydrogen 30

    air 400

    Makeup around 10 should be fine (you can play with it if you have issues with the flame)


    These are the recommended default values. After that, you can do some testing to see if changing those increases your signal and responses. Also as a side note, the detector temperature is normally recommended to be above 300-350 Celcius.

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