USP Residual Solvent Liner


I'm looking for the USP residual solvent chapter testing. Any Agilent part number?




Jose Garcia

  • Hi Jose,


    USP 467, the residual solvents method, is a headspace method, so you don't need a liner dependent on your system. If the injection volume is applied by syringe any single-tapered liner will do. Glass wool is not needed for gaseous injections.


    Without knowing the system you use we cannot give you a part number.





  • Hi Norbert


    Thank you for your quick response. 

    As you said we are using a GC Agilent 7890 with a Agilent headspace. We have an issue with the RSD. The first 5 injections are really good but after inject a sample the next STD injection to close the run with a STD one of the solvent peak fail the %RSD established (NMT 15%).  Actually the signal for that peak is to low. basically at the noise level. 

    Did you think that the issue is because we are using a Liner for the testing?


    Best Regards,



  • Hi Jose,


    difficult to say, but try a liner without glass wool, preferably an Ultra Inert one with single taper. It can also be an issue of the syringe, depending on the type of solvent and the incubation temperature.

    Normally if the solvent peak size is impacted, it has to do with the injection itself.



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