USP Residual Solvent Liner


I'm looking for the USP residual solvent chapter testing. Any Agilent part number?




Jose Garcia

  • Hi Jose,


    USP 467, the residual solvents method, is a headspace method, so you don't need a liner dependent on your system. If the injection volume is applied by syringe any single-tapered liner will do. Glass wool is not needed for gaseous injections.


    Without knowing the system you use we cannot give you a part number.





  • Hi Norbert


    Thank you for your quick response. 

    As you said we are using a GC Agilent 7890 with a Agilent headspace. We have an issue with the RSD. The first 5 injections are really good but after inject a sample the next STD injection to close the run with a STD one of the solvent peak fail the %RSD established (NMT 15%).  Actually the signal for that peak is to low. basically at the noise level. 

    Did you think that the issue is because we are using a Liner for the testing?


    Best Regards,



  • Hi Norbert


    Thank you for your quick response. 

    As you said we are using a GC Agilent 7890 with a Agilent headspace. We have an issue with the RSD. The first 5 injections are really good but after inject a sample the next STD injection to close the run with a STD one of the solvent peak fail the %RSD established (NMT 15%).  Actually the signal for that peak is to low. basically at the noise level. 

    Did you think that the issue is because we are using a Liner for the testing?


    Best Regards,



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