Data exporting error of ICP-MS Data Analysis


Recenty, I'm struggling from issue about data exporting of ICP-MS Data Analysis.

From the data table, when I click the right mouse button - Export - Export Table, 

There is an alarm saying

"An export operation involving the specified UltraWingrid is already in progress and a new export operation cannot be started until the previous operation completes.",

and exporting doesn't work.

When I reboot the PC, data exporting works well several times, and repeat this issue.

So I wonder how can I solve this problem.


  • Hi,

    this sounds very strange and is not a common problem.

    Could you please confirm, that all other Export Windows have been closed, and please have a look in the "File Messaging Servie", if there are any errors.

    You will find it in the lower right corner of the Task Bar

    It is a good idea, to clear this list from time to time - Just mark everything and hit the delete button.

    Best Regards


  • Thanks for your help.

    I'm sorry, I've tried to follow your advice, but there isn't "File Messaging Service" icon in the task bar.

    It says "This notification icon is not currently active."

    Strange thing is that when I reboot the PC and export, first alarm says like

    "No printers are installed." (even though we have not used printers from the first time, just export data to excel file)

    and when I repeat data exporting, the alarm what I've mentioned comes again.

  • Thanks for your help.

    I'm sorry, I've tried to follow your advice, but there isn't "File Messaging Service" icon in the task bar.

    It says "This notification icon is not currently active."

    Strange thing is that when I reboot the PC and export, first alarm says like

    "No printers are installed." (even though we have not used printers from the first time, just export data to excel file)

    and when I repeat data exporting, the alarm what I've mentioned comes again.

No Data
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