Issue with relatively similar CPS from 7800

I have inherited a 7800 from a new job, when I run the standard method for the technique all of the counts come out relatively similar. Running a blank and then a calibration standard returns the same results, approximately. The instrument has been cleaned from the lens all the way back to replacing the sampling probe in the last couple of days. However, I still get relatively the same number for CPS of every element. I attempted to check each of our solutions via the signal monitor, only paying attention to Li. When I run the blank it returns a count of ~150 for Li and when I run the standard I get ~250-300 for Li, using the signal monitor. Along with cleaning everything, I also switched out all the standards for ones ran on a 7850 that came back fine on that instrument. I replaced the ISIS 3 the other day because it wasn't drawing up correctly and I just noticed that an error: 2607 Warning Y-axis movement disabled due to a partially closed top cover today. I am trying to figure out why this instrument returns the same values for all elements. They have not run this instrument for a couple of months and last batch I see, seems to have worked fine. Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful, I appreciate it.

  • I do see there is lead contamination but luckily it is not causing issues with the optimization of the quadrupole.

    Your issue is most likely due to the batch tune settings. You have dilution gas on in the batch and set to 0.57 L/min. Your nebulizer gas flow is set to 1 L/min. Normally these two gas flows add up to be ~ 0.90-1.1L/min so you just have way too much flow. I recommend changing back to a preset setting, the Plasma Correction run as part of the StartUp will select the correct flows for you.

    In the batch, you should have a box that says All Parameters. If you uncheck the box, you will be prompted to return to preset settings. Select OK. Then choose Low Matrix and check the performance. However, you will need to determine if Low Matrix is appropriate for your sample matrix. If your samples contain > 0.1% TDS you will want to run your samples with more robust plasma settings. General Purpose is good for ~0.2-0.3% TDS. HMI will be needed for samples with higher % TDS levels. 

    However, Low Matrix is a still good way to troubleshoot low sensitivity issues in no gas and helium before changing to HMI. 

  • Good eye, and thank you I did not see that difference in the dilution gas flow. I did that and ran a performance check after making that adjustment.

    The numbers came up a bit compared to previous days, I then went through and tried running some blanks and a QC at two different levels, just to see what counts might be looking like. I am still getting samples returned with approximately the same CPS for all blanks, QC, rinse's etc.

    Then I tried starting from the batch like you mentioned above and selecting all parameters and low matrix. After running a tune like that all the counts lowered, especially 89.

    Is there something that I am just missing?

  • Hi, I think I've figured it out (hopefully). Your lens settings for lack of a better word, are unusual. Here are some recommended settings for your model. I recommend entering the defaults then performing an autotune for all the batch tune modes. See if that straightens things out.

  • Sorry for the delay in response but I think this may have solved some of the issues. I was able to tune in both no gas and gas mode along with getting a passing performance report. I'm still having some issues with the timing for sample measurements but I will post about that as a new topic. Thank you.

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