Hi, I have a question regarding the Report Designer custom calculations in Mass Hunter ICP-MS 5.2 .
I am trying to calculate the recovery for a spike sample. I am using the sample types "Spike" and "Spike Ref" and would need to the mean of three replicates of the "Spike Ref".
So far, I used this equation to get the recovery :
CONVERT((CONVERT(FinalAverageConcWrapper,System.Single)-CONVERT(RorRPDrefValue,System.Single))/CONVERT(RAmount,System.Single)*100 , System.Int64)
Where RorRPDrefValue is the reference concentration value (labelled as “Ref conc.” Is the report designer) of the 3rd “Spike Ref” sample .
I noticed the formula only used the last instance of the “Spike Ref” samples instead of calculating the mean of the three “Spike Ref” samples.
Data table in DA Batch
Report of the Spike sample
Is there a way to create a formula that can calculate the mean concentration for the three replicates and use that result to calculate the recovery? I could not find the way to look for the value of different injection in the same Batch.
Thanks for the help!