K and Na on 7900

Can I run Potassium and Sodium on the ICP-MS 7900 in No Gas mode.  If so, can someone let me know what the interference equations would be?

  • Hi, 

    You can also try to measure Na and K in cool plasma conditions. If your software don't have that option you can modify no gas mode - reduce RF power to 600W, increase Smpl Depth to about 18mm and start signal monitor to adjust rest of the parameters. You schould be able to determine Na and K down to 1ppb or lower with cool plasma conditions.

    Good luck, 


  • Hi, 

    You can also try to measure Na and K in cool plasma conditions. If your software don't have that option you can modify no gas mode - reduce RF power to 600W, increase Smpl Depth to about 18mm and start signal monitor to adjust rest of the parameters. You schould be able to determine Na and K down to 1ppb or lower with cool plasma conditions.

    Good luck, 


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