Im setting the CCV QC for my method in ICP expert 7.6
In my Standards I have my concentrations set as ppb but when using the average it shows as ppm.
Where do I change the average concentration ?
Thank you.
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Im setting the CCV QC for my method in ICP expert 7.6
In my Standards I have my concentrations set as ppb but when using the average it shows as ppm.
Where do I change the average concentration ?
Thank you.
click on "PPM", under "Units" and there will be a drop-down to change.
Hi Tina, Thank you for your reply.
When left cliking the ppm (in QC tab) i get no options
When right clicking it only copy and paste.
I tried pasting a ppb value but to no avail.
If you have data associated with the worksheet, you will not be able to change the units on the QC page. But you can change on the "Analysis" page. Go to "Column Properties" and click.
Then you can change the units for "average" column.
Thank you, I will have a look