#1122 error: Penning Gauge malfunction

Dear all,

I have a 7900 ICP MS. The tool was in shout down mode for 3 weeks. When I switch the vacuum on I receive the error: #1122 Penning gauge malfunction. Before turning the tool on, I cleaned the nebulizer and spray chamber. Could you please advise how to solve the issue? Thank you

  • Hello,

    The penning gauge is now referred to as the ion gauge.  It is located on the right side, front of the analyzer chamber.  It is easily identified by the blue cable connected to the back of the gauge.  Make sure to put the instrument into Shutdown mode and power off the instrument with the breaker switch on the back (next to the power cord connection and the red backing pump switch) before going near this part.  

  • Hello,

    The penning gauge is now referred to as the ion gauge.  It is located on the right side, front of the analyzer chamber.  It is easily identified by the blue cable connected to the back of the gauge.  Make sure to put the instrument into Shutdown mode and power off the instrument with the breaker switch on the back (next to the power cord connection and the red backing pump switch) before going near this part.  

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